Assouline • The Impossible Collection of Cigars
Coffee table book
The Impossible Collection of Cigars.
232 pages, over 100 illustrations.
Hand-bound in a wooden box.
REF. 88461
W.45,4 x H.8,8 x D.50,8cm
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The Impossible Collection of Cigars envisions the ultimate humidor brimming with the most remarkable cigars of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries from the most prestigious makers. Like the pop of the Champagne cork, the flick of the lighter or the strike of the match and the first draw of the smoke are synonymous with celebration, relaxation, and comradery. A luxurious pause from the world around, an exceptional, hand-rolled cigar has cemented itself as a civilized passion and genteel hobby over the course of centuries.
The Impossible Collection of Cigars is a bid for readers to journey to the fabled Cuban tobacco farms, get up close and personal with the torcedores (master cigar rollers) as they discover the world’s most commendable and coveted cigars. Considering the differences and attributes of cigars like Nicaragua’s Padrón to Dominican Republic’s Arturo Fuente and Davidoff of Geneva, Honduras’ Rocky Patel to the Bahamas’ Graycliff, and, of course, Cuba’s arsenal of legendary smokes, Sigmond’s is a list any connoisseur could only dream of.
This hand-bound, oversized luxury edition, featuring hand-tipped and authentic cigar bands and presented in a traditional dress trade cigar box is a must-have for the collection of any sincere cigar aficionado.
Founded in Paris in 1994 by Prosper and Martine Assouline, Assouline is the first luxury brand on culture. It began with the desire to create a new, contemporary style of book, using the couple's experienced eye for visually rich stories and compelling narratives.
Guided by their passion for knowledge, culture and travel, the Assoulines have since expanded their vision to 1,700 titles in three main collections, along with special editions and unique library accessories—a grand oeuvre of inspiring creations. Throughout the last quarter of a century, the brand has established a network of international boutiques in prominent locations across the globe.
With a distinguished team of creative talents—which includes the founders' son Alexandre—the brand continues to reinvent the notion of true luxury. Assouline’s roster of collaborators includes some of the world’s most respected brands, artists, photographers, writers and designers.